United States Sales Representatives

Our US sales representatives design and market some of the houses we produce. They are well established companies located throughout the US. These sales offices have competent staff that works closely with their clients and provides excellent service. Our US sales representatives can provide close customer service in their service areas which benefits the clients. We are proudly associated with our US sales representatives.

If there is no representative in your area, please contact us directly.

Paradise Logo File

Paradise Mountain Log & Timber Homes Inc.
Serving: Washington & Hawaii states
Phone: 1-800-840-LOGS (5647)

Green Structures Northwest Green

Green Structures NW
Office: Salem, Oregon
Oregon Phone: 503-581-2029
Washington Phone: 509-995-7801

Black Bear Enterprises

Black Bear Enterprises, LLC
Office: Verona, Wisconsin
Phone: 608-832-4434

Jorgensen Log Homes

Jorgensen Log Homes
Office: Custer, South Dakota
Phone: 605-673-2720